King's Throne

Some (hopefully) helpful info for this great android game (also available for iOS)

This is VERY work-in-progress!!!

If you have any corrections or additional material please contribute:

  • This site is built by GitHub pages, so if you are familiar with Git, the best thing would be to fork the site repo and raise a pull request.
  • If you don’t know what that means :wink:, but you do have a github account or are prepared to create one, raise an issue
  • you can also go old-school and email me at L_u_k_e_B_a_u_t_a_i_n_@_k_o_l_o_s_s_i_._c_o_._u_k (take the ‘_’s out)
  • If this info is useful, please consider a tiny donation


Total power tip

During an alliance boss battle, if all heroes are used and the final boss wasn’t defeated, then look at the damage ranking - the total damage you did will be your total power.

Boss challenge hero tip

This works during Harbor, alliance, and kingdom end of level boss battles.

Before starting the boss battle, click on the selected hero.

Click Sort by Power (descending). At this stage I’d recommend closing the window with the red cross top right, as the ui doesn’t always seem to work right on some of these screens. Then click the hero again.

Choose your least powerful hero then click to fight/auto resolve/whatever.

The reason for this is that in the alliance and harbor battles where you face multiple increasingly tough bosses, if you don’t do this you will have “blown” your best hero on the weakest enemy, and much of their power will have been wasted.

In the end of kingdom level boss, it won’t change the outcome but if you use ever increasing heros, you will may get a better sense if you are actually going to win - at the last few heros if the boss has more power than those you’ve got left, you won’t defeat them.

It would prevent you having to grind through multiple small fry heros only to lose anyway.

Punishment tip

The tip is to wait for every second day to do punishments in the dungeon, just leave them squirming for a whole day in between :wink:.

The way the punishment works is that you start afresh each day at the first prisoner you have, when they are done with them you go to the next one and each one is increasing power and reward.

You daily get “recharged” half of the possible standing which powers your punishment.

So if you use it all up every day, you will get rewards every day, but will only get half way through the prisoners compared to leaving it 2 days to build up full standing - and the later prisoners have great rewards, so you will be better off overall at the expense of having to wait a bit.

Kingdom missions tip

After chapter 67, where the map part of the story is completed, the missions to fight no longer show up on the map after clicking the Kingdom button right of the Castle and City scenes.

To access them, go directly to the Campaign by

  • City scene → Campaign

Castles defend requirements tip

When adding a Hero or Maiden to a castle on it’s defend tab, it may say that none met the requirements, however they can still be assigned by clicking Confirm on the dialog. Despite the text in the dialog, this does not upgrade the castle. Resource collection may be slower but it’s still better than nothing!

A hero and maiden with matching requirements will be required to upgrade the castle, but they can be “borrowed” temporarily from another castle to achieve this.

Castles upgrade tip

TL;DR - Don’t upgrade your kingdom castles!!!. Or rather, not until you are certain you have spare capacity to meet at least the new Hero requirements, and preferrable the Maiden requirements too, or at least you are aware of the risks vs rewards

See the Castles section, and in particular the Upgrade example.


These formulas were created by Master Debators on Server S342, and posted to The Collective Discord by Fockette S579:

Resource todos

To maximise income, keep on top of these. After some time, income is lost or further income is blocked - unless these actions are taken.



  • Benefits → Daily Login → claim
  • Events → Limited time quests → Login multiple days
  • Rankings → Local rankings → on all 3 tabs → Pay homage ( :gem: )
  • Castle scene → Hall of fame → pick a portrait → Pay homage ( :gem: )
  • Castle scene → Dungeon → punish
  • City scene → Alliance hall → Alliance contributions → contribute
  • Quests → Weekly → claim all
    • also click any chests glowing in top bar
  • City scene → Harbor (or top left shortcut icon when active) → Enter battle.
  • Social → In-laws → each in-law → click right-arrow on right to increase likeability of in-law and gain 4 kingdom power per click (max 100 times per in-law)

Regularly as possible

  • Castle scene → Throne room chancellor/levies → claim
  • Castle scene → Throne room royal advisor/decrees → enact
  • Castle scene → Training grounds → claim/train
  • Kingdom → each castle → Defend → claim
    • alternatively click animated stagecoaches on kingdom map
  • Kingdom → each castle → Explore → each quest → send → pick child/send all, send, confirm
  • Kingdom → each castle → Explore → each quest → claim
  • City scene → King’s council → join/host council
  • Quests → Daily → claim all
    • also click any chests glowing in top bar

On kingdom campaign completion

  • Kingdom → first castle that shows “Unlock after completing Chapter xx” → Campaign → claim ( :gem: )

On level up

Castle scene

Maiden chamber


Royal quarters

Throne room


Feast hall

Hall of fame


Training grounds

City scene

Tourney grounds



This is an alternative to the (#castle-city-switch) as a way to get to the Castle scene.

Alliance hall


This is the large gate in the city wall at the very bottom of the scene, right of the Castle and the Alliance hall. It’s quite easy to miss as a clickable item.


King’s council



Access to the daily boss battles.

Merchant ventures

Top left icons

Player profile

Click the player avatar picture.


Click the player name.


Growth funds


Premium weekly Cards

Puchase rewards

Kingdom Level

Daily Login



Spend real money to get:

  • vip points
  • gems
  • other items


Tourney grounds

Harbor (Boss battle)

Top right icons


(various games)

Limited time quests

Login multiple days


Score high enough in the rankings and at the end of the challenge recieve rewards via in-game MAIL

Time honored heros

Bottom left icons



Facebook (castle only)

Feature preview

Which feature will be unlocked on next kingdom level up.

Main quests

  • green: click and collect reward
  • red: achieve this goal for next rewards

Bottom right icons

Castle/City Switch

On the City scene it says “CASTLE” and on the Castle scene it says “CITY”. Use to switch between the two!

In the City scene the large Castle itself can also be clicked



Preview of last chat message






Local rankings

This has 3 ranking tabs:

  • Kingdom Power
  • Campaign progress
  • Maiden initimacy

Pay homage

Once per day, click the button bottom right to Pay homage and recieve gems.

Weekly rankings

This has the following tabs:

  • Tourney grounds
  • Harbor
  • Processions
  • Expedition
  • Merchant ventures
  • Maiden visits

If you get high enough in the rankings at the end of the week you will receive a message in MAIL with some rewards points ( :crown: )

To spend these, go to RankingsWeekly rankingsPoint exchange

Point exchange

Being ranked at end of week earns points which can be exchanged for rewards using Point exchange button bottom right (a treasure chest icon)

Cross-server rankings

At time of writing, this just says:

Feature is not yet available


See kingdom missions tip




These are the requirments for the Hero or Maiden to successfully “Defend” a castle.

When adding a Hero or Maiden which does not meet the requirements, the game says the rather cryptic:

Insufficient {Hero/Maiden} attribute, castle revenue will be reduced after settling in, do you want to upgrade the castle?

However they can still be assigned by clicking “Confirm” in response to this question, which does not upgrade the castle. Resource collection may be slower but it’s still better than nothing!

Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Gilderwood Forest                 I:38,C:68 L:28,A:52.2k I:39,C:69 L:59,A:56.8k (E:504,500) I:40,C:70 L:60,A:61.3k (E:633,800) I:41,C:71 L:61,A:65.8k (E:769,200)
Gildershire Castle             I:56,C:86 L:86,Q:60 I:57,C:87 L:87,Q:61 (E:651,100)        
Goldshore       I:73,C:103 L:103,A:148k I:74,C:104 L:104,A:177k (E:516,300)              
Southern boundary   I:91,C:121 L:151,Q:92 I:92,C:122 L:152,Q:100 (E:353,800) I:93,C:123 L:153,Q:106 (E:516,100) I:94,C:124 L:154,Q:111 (E:695,000)              
Argendale I:110,C:140 L:200,A:137k (E:115,500) I:111,C:141 L:201,A:238k                      
Silvershore I:130,C:160 L:230,Q:120 (E:140,000)                      
South Dialann I:150,C:180 L:250,A:322k (E:164,800) I:151,C:181 L:251,A:560k (E:382,100)                    
North Dialann I:170,C:200 L:300,Q:160 (E:190,100)                      
Humbermoor Border I:190,C:220 L:350,A:573k (E:215,900)                      
Humbermoor Highlands I:210,C:240 L:400,Q:200 (E:242,000+3.1BP!)                      
Key Value
I Intimacy
C Charm
L Level
Q Quality
A Attributes
E Experience*
P Provisions (Grain)*

* (Upgrade cost to allow castle to get to this level)


For Hero, the resource collection rate is based on their stats related to the requirements (higher stats, faster rate). However meeting requirement gives a great boost to the rate (maybe even as high as 3x).

Castle experience is collected at the set rate provided the hero is assigned - they don’t even have to be resource collecting.

Similarly, for Maiden, the time to collect the reward is based on their stats related to the requirements (higher stats, quicker collection). The time to collect is also the time between storing rewards if “continue to accumulate” is checked.

The following are just examples since as discuss it depends on the assigned Hero and Maiden, and their stats which increase over time anyway as they are levelled up.

Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Gilderwood Forest                   G:??/m,E:120/m 1x100KG G:1482/m,Exp:120/m 1x100KG/30m G:1497/m,Exp:120/m 1x100KG/30m
Gildershire Castle               P:??/m,E:120/m 1x100KP        
Goldshore         S:??/m,E:180/m 1x100KS              
Southern boundary     G:2943/m,E:240/m 3x100KG/h G:2517/m,E:240/m 3x100KG/h G:2543/m,E:240/m 3x100KG/h              
Argendale P:??/m,E:300/m 3x100KP P:??/m,E:300/m 3x100KP                    
Silvershore S:??/m,E:360/m 3x100KS                      
South Dialann G:7487/m,E:420/m 8x100KG G:7561/m,E:420/m 8x100KG/90m                    
North Dialann P:??/m,E:480/m 8x100KP                      
Humbermoor Border S:??/m,E:540/m 1xMC                      
Humbermoor Highlands G:1471/m,E:263/m 1xWB/2h                      
Key Value
G Gold
P Provisions (Grain)
S Soldiers
E Experience
MC Mercenary Contract
WB War Bond



Be wary of upgrading castles “beyond your means”.

A higher level castle with unmet requirements will deliver much worse accumulation than a lower level with requirements met.

With requirements met, the increase in accumulation rate is not significant, so bear that in mind as a risk/reward when deciding whether to upgrade.


Starting with Argendale Level 1, Brunhilde as both Hero and Maiden. She has Int:200,Chm:669 Lvl:200,Atr:1.11M

The castle is accumulating: Exp:300/m Grn:2637/m, 3x100KGrn/h.

Upgrading to Level2 (which cost 55.1M soldiers!), the accumulation has now gone down to: Exp300/m grn:673/m 3x100KGrn/h.

The new requirements are Int:111,Chm:141 Lvl:201,Atr:238k.

So Hero Brunhilde is not meeting the Lvl requirement (she’s Lvl:200).

Upgrading Brunhilde to level 201, which cost about Gld:4M, accumulations are: Exp300/m Grn:2664/m 3x100kGrn/h (store 4)

So paying Sld:55.1M to upgrade the castle from level 1 to level 2 resulted in a reduction of Grain rate from Grn:2637/m to Grn:673/m.

This was probably the least-worst miss of requirements possible, many requirments jumps might be out of reach of the current player state. But paying for the upgrade meant that the overall transaction was Sld:55.1M and Gld:4M to go from Grn:2637/m to Grn:2664/m.

So upgrading can be quite a big risk of reduction for fairly small gains if successful.


Quality scrolls


Increase relevant attributes.

In the case of Military Attribute this mean the Power is also increased



Total power

This is an important metric, as it determines whether you win end of kingdom campaign boss battles. Although its the total of the power of all your heros, it’s not displayed anywhere I’ve found, but there is a way to find it - see total power tip



Unlocks “Naughty”.

Increases child potential and attributes.

Also unlocks more Bound hero gains.


Increasing this increases how much experience is gained for each visit


Bound Hero





Total attributes becomes Tourney health (?? verify this ??)

Total attributes across all characters contributes to Kingdom power (??how??)





The sum of heros’ power makes up the character Total power, which is crucial in boss battles.

According to the Ksrgland fandom site the formula for the hero’s power is

Power = (5000 * Level * Military quality) + Military attribute

I was able to verify this, my “Good Sir James” had:

  • Power: 4.56M
  • Quality: 17
  • Level: 100
    • Devilish Ferocity lv:1 - Military: +5/level = 5
    • Strategic Planning lv:1 - Military: +4/level = 4
    • (Total Military quality= 9)
    • Coffer Management lv:1 - Fortune: +3/level = 3
    • Barony Rulership lv:2 - Provisions: +1/level = 2
    • Officers Eloquence lv:1 - Inspiration: +3/level = 3

Total Quality = 9 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 17 :heavy_check_mark:

  • Attr: 220K
    • Military (gold): 60.3K
    • Fortune: 54K
    • Provisions: 52.2K
    • Inspiration: 53.8K

Power = (5000 * 100 * 9) + 60300 = 4560300 = 4.56M :heavy_check_mark:

Bound Maiden

Other sources


If you feel like making a tiny donation to help keep my motivation up, here’s the button :